
Jagged Stones-Chapter 1

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I awoke in the dark. Where was I? Oh yeah, safe in my room, thank god. I just had the worst nightmare. I pulled back the curtains around the bed and got dressed for the tough chores ahead.  So far this generous village (Hentre) hasn't figured out my big secrete. I doubt that will last. It's not one of those things you can stuff  under the bed. No, that would be too much. Instead, life has to go and be unfair, cursing me with this blight  that- well, um, that would be bad if it got out into the open.
I pushed my chin length, brown hair behind my ear and pulled on my breeches. Here, I pose as a boy named Lain--to avoid rising suspicions. A fourteen year old girl close to marriage age, who's traveling alone is sure to attract unwanted eyes. Especially when she has not a belonging to be seen, other than clothing, sicko.  But, in the world I live in--Taimin--it's quite common to see young nomad men. They wander through villages and towns with packs on their backs often, and sometimes take up permanent (or semi-permanent) residence. They have few belongings, but I have no need for any. I can take care of my self, thank you very much. Besides, they would only slow me down.
Just then, the old widow Agnes that I lived with rapped sharply on the door with her bony knuckles. "Just a minute!" I called out in my guy voice. I can impersonate anyone or anything's voice. That helps to un-complicate life.
"Well hurry up, ya got chores to do before you got out to dem fields. Oh, and do be a dear and check up on Whinnyfred too while your out." she said.
I would have groaned had it been anyone but Agnes who told me this. She's as strong as a bull, and would have whipped me over her knee like a five year old. Then she would have given me a lecture and a sweet meat. Huh, some people are just weird. Kind of like me, if you think about it real hard. Got nothing? Well, you'll see. I did not groan, and instead trudged through her small house and into the crisp, fresh air of August. I breathed in deeply, cause' I just love that fall air!
Then I took a good look around me, and saw a large group of villagers gathered around the old, ivy covered well that marked the center of the village. What was going on over there? I thought to myself. Making my way through the crowd (which wasn't very large, as this is a downright puny place) I got to the front, trying to see what was up. There was nothing apparent, so I asked a young man, about a year older than me, "Hey, do you know what's going on here? I can't figure out why people would gather around and chat about nothing at this hour." He chuckled at the sarcasm in my voice and replied "I haven't the foggiest idea, but I think Jinc is going to be speaking. It might be a meeting." We waited and chatted together about the problems of the world before Jinc, the village elder, stepped up on a trashed table someone thought to drag out here. While he was clearing his throat (which took an amazingly long amount of time) I took the liberty of checking out the guy I was beside. You know, the one I was talking to.  He was decent looking--jet black hair, pastel violet eyes--and with soft, delicate features, except for his ears, which were--surprise, surprise--pointed. Now I know what you are thinking, but not everyone in Taimin has pointed ears. In fact, I though I was the only one until I saw Mr. Pointy over there. And the guy seemed nervous, very edgy. I wonder what he was all knotted up about. Maybe it is about what Jinc had to say.
"Attention everyone!" Jinc called out. As if he needed to! The crowd was as silent as a grave when he had stepped up. Their eyes where focused on him, and as wide as saucers. Their little ears and brains strained. I was at the front, so I didn't need to waggle my ears. Besides, I got above average hearing.
"I received news that a dangerous wild animal was spotted around the woods near our village. But, I don't think I need to tell you that, however, because it seems this tidbit of information has already reached most of your ears." he glared at some man unknown to me in the crowd, who gave a sheepish smile and hid his face. "I don't know what the creature is, nor do I know what it is capable of. What I do know is that it can be deadly. I'm pretty sure  it's just a mad wolf or bear, nothing we haven't seen before. As long as you don't stray near the forest, and don't go out at night, you and your families will be fine." Jinc finished with a flourish.
"But what about my children?" one woman cried out. "Yeah! What about my farm and my family?" a guy yelled. People started to mumble then yell. Soon the placid crowd would turn to an angry mob! "People! People! Settle down. I'll post instructions on the announcement board where you can all see how to protect your selves and your belongings of any kind. Besides, last time there was a cause for panic, it was just a flighty barn owl." Most of the crowd announced their agreements to the people beside them, but a few where about to speak up. Must have been about reading since very few but the rich could. I however can both read and write. After Jinc said something about another meeting with yet more instructions, many voices died down.
I took a quick peek at the guy beside me while every one else was leaving. He was slightly shaking, but then again, it was cold out, and he had no cloak. "Are ya' cold?" I asked him. "Yeah, a little." he replied. I gave him my super dramatic incredulous look. "A tad! Your shakin'!" I cried. He didn't look the slightest bit phased. I guess he spent a lot of time out in 40 degree weather. Personally, I can't feel the cold. Maybe he didn't either, even though his body displayed the effects of it. The guy shrugged and said, "It's not that bad, I can live. I don't really feel it anyway." Ding, ding, ding! Score one for Lain!
"But why don't you go inside? The meetings over, and your bound to be just a little cold." I casually suggested. He agreed, but I had to tell him my name. "Lain." I answered shortly. "Huh. Bit girly isn't it?" he asked, giving me a quirky smile.
I felt my cheeks burn. I liked that name, and used it in loving memory. And the boy looked at me like I had just offered to give him a massage. "No!" I said.
"Okay, okay, I'm not making fun of you. It's just the name is strange to me." He replied tartly. I hmphed, then said, "Well now ya' gots my name, go inside." Still the guy looked at me. "You have an accent."  he lamely pointed out. "No! You don't say!" I snapped. He could tell I was annoyed and once again chuckled at the sarcasm in my voice. I had a feeling that if I didn't get out of here soon, the guy would see through my disguise. I hate observant guys. They always point out what you don't want to hear.
"We don't get a lot of visitors around here. You're the first one in over a season!" the boy informed me. My ears pricked up then. Did I choose the wrong place to blend in? "Really?" I asked casually. "Yeah, say! Um, by the way, my names' Emmor." Emmor said, shoving his hand in front of me. I grasped it roughly and shook. "Nice to meet you Emmor!" I pleasantly said.
"So Lain, where you from?" Emmor asked. I raised my hands, shrugged, and replied, "Oh, a little here, a little there."
"So you're a nomad?"
I pulled away from his--still curious--glance and looked up at the sky. I was all smiles on the outside, but inwardly I fumed at the rapid change of the subject. "I guess that's one way to put it." I said. The way I was thinking was more along the lines of on-the-run-crazy-homicidal-freak-thing. It fit better and was kind of catchy.
Then I felt his eyes turn away from me-which is yet another freaky thing on the mile long freaky list about me-so I took the chance to say goodbye to Emmor and his inquiries. "Bye Lain!" he called back to me.
The crowd had completely split up, so Agnes had a clear view of me. I made a beeline to the stable before she could catch me. Of course, I was just too late. It's my rotten luck. I can't get away from it!
Even Emmor scuttled away when he saw Agnes, but I was not fast enough. She quickly snatched out and grabbed onto my wrist with her bony fingers. "Why are you not working?" she demanded.
"I was just talking." I said. Agnes didn't look satisfied with my answer. Sigh, here comes the lecture. "Well, while you were just talking, Whinnyfred was starving. She's trapped in her stable. She, unlike you, cannot clean herself, cannot free herself, cannot saturate her parched throat, and cannot feed herself. She's suffering! Now you go take care of that!" Agnes said, shoving me in the direction of the stable. "Yes ma'am." I answered, taking it all silently, like I should if I don't want more trouble.
Now, quick explanation. Whinnyfred is Agnes's only horse, and is about as old as she is. Whinnyfred is also the meanest horse I know, and I like horses. She's an evil tempered thing, she bites like hell, and I think she hates to be clean; either that or she hates me to clean her. Unfortunately, of the seven kids Agnes employs (most just young, reckless teens whose parents think hard labor is a good discipline), I have the supreme joy of taking care of her. I think she poops in front of her  stable door just to annoy me, stupid horse.
I sneaked around to the back of the small building and climbed the fence that protected Whinnyfred's pasture. With extreme caution, I slowly lifted the latch on the back door of the stable. Then I ran for my life! Out burst the horse searching for me, but I was already over the fence, having had plenty of practice scaling it before. Failure is not an option! Trust me, I know that for a fact. She snorted, and charged at the fence, rearing up and striking the top with her hooves, but she could not jump over the horse-proof fence. "GET OUT OF HERE!" she screamed in my head. Yeah, that's right. I talk to animals. So, I went back to her stable, and did my horse related responsibilities (and locked her out). Thankfully, the boys and I often traded off jobs, so I almost never had to clean Whinnyfred herself, just the smelly lean-too.
Next I had to work in the fields. When I got there, most of the other workers where there, so I quickly got to work, letting the sounds of loud breathing guide my pace, and letting my mind wander. The meeting was almost entirely expelled from my mind. Instead, my mind was set on that mysterious boy, Emmor. Who was he? Did he find out I'm not all I appear to be? And why was he so anxious looking?


Lunch seemed to come earlier that day. Maybe it was because I was working so much harder than usual. I sat down with the rest of the "tyrants" (as Agnes calls them) while they ate their lunch. Most bring lunch from home. I am the only one Agnes actually feeds, so I wolfed down my meal before anyone could swipe it from me. Of course, I wasn't quick enough, and a boy named Chris took my corn bread muffin. He wouldn't dare eat it though. He constantly makes fun of my name, but I constantly blackmailed him with his. "Hey you! Laina!" he taunted. I ignored him. "Lady, lady, Laina! Don't you belong inside? Sewing and cleaning?". The other guys snickered. "Don't Chris." I said, even though I should have kept on ignoring them. "He responded!" one kid yelled through his laughter, and then everyone was being obnoxious. "Lain's a girls name!" another kid yelled, Jimme, I think. "Just like Laina!" they all cried in unison. I was getting pretty annoyed now. My dearest friend's--now deceased, rest in peace-- name was Lain. By insulting me, they where insulting him. That I could not stand. Who did they think they where? Me and Lain had so many good times traveling together, and now all I could think about him was Laina! And that was what made me so ticked off.
"Tis' not!" I said (I had some sense to keep up with my fake accent). They just laughed all the louder. "Tis' Tis'!" Jimme kept shouting. I was beyond annoyed now, I was beyond reason. "Well, Chris, why don't you tell the gang your real name?" I said. I knew I struck a nerve because his face turned bright tomato red. The other boys looked at Chris with interest. To them, he had always been Chris-the-leader, not Chris-the-moody-kid-who-keeps-secretes.
"Why should I?" he spat out at me. Uh-oh, big no-no, Chris. That was the final straw. It was time to show him who really was boss. "Because, Christinna,  I think Lain is a perfectly good name, and unlike your name, Lain is a guy's name! Just because my name is close to a girl's name, doesn't mean you have the right to call me that. And since you insist on abolishing that right, I guess I have the right to call you Christinna. You have upset me for the last time, and now I am going to expose you for the soft shell you really are." I tartly replied. I know that was a bit much, but I had a thing on calling me a girl, since--once again--I am a girl in disguise, and I was an agitated girl with a lot on her mind. I had my opinion, and I gave it. I still had more to say.
"You're a trouble to society and a upset to my daily life. You annoy me. You ridicule me. You get everyone else to do so, and you lead me to believe that you are just a verbal bully who cares not one whit as to what your victims think or feel! Well, I'll tell you what  I think! You disgust me. You are a snake, a rat, a fly in cake batter. You are the underling of the pack. You are the worm in the apple. You are the yellow-belly hiding behind your mother's apron strings. I give you not an ounce of respect and I care not what you think of that. I do not wish to associate myself with you, so I will leave you with these words--I hate your vile, stinking, guts."
He and the rest of the group looked at me with total surprise and jaw agape I was always the quiet one who never stood up to anyone. It was all part of my foreign act. Chris never thought I'd stand up to him. Well, it was high time I stood my ground and showed him and everyone else what I really thought of their teasing. Still, it was a bit over-dramatic wasn't it?
Chris quickly regained his composure, and asked, quiet with rage, "Are you insulting me?" I considered it, tasting the idea, swirling it around in my brain, building suspense, (everyone had gone as silent as a grave) until I said, "Yes, yes I am." with utmost confidence and cockiness. Then the gang got control of their jaw muscles, and replied to this answer with a lot of oohs and are-you-gonna-let-him-do-that's.
Chris growled at me, and I growled back; a wild, feral growl that caught him off guard. He quickly recovered, and said, "So that's how you want it, Laina!" They wanted a fight, and a fight they'll get.
I pounced. My strong legs carried me over the table and straight into him. He started to punch me, so I clawed and kicked him right back. The other boy's where chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" I ripped open his cheek, and punched him there. He let out a loud grunt as I most likely fractured a bone. He staggered back, and came at me again. This time I grabbed him by the shirt and punched him in the gut. He managed to kick me, but it didn't hurt enough to stop me from kicking him where the sun don't shine. He fell to his knees where I gave him a swift uppercut, and probably broke something in my hand. Chris got shakily to his feet, and got a knife out of his pocket. In the heat of the moment, I wasn't as worried as I should have been.
He sliced my leg open, and I fell to the ground. He knelt near me and started to try and punch me. I managed to block some of his attacks, but not all. He was about to cut me to ribbons, and I could not allow that. I raked my razor sharp nails across his knife hand and felt the tug of the skin giving way beneath them. He bellowed and dropped the knife like quick silver. As swift as I could, I grabbed his wrists and twisted them behind his back cross-ways in the unbreakable straitjacket hold. He was as good as dead now! And for a moment there, I scared myself by actually wanting to kill him. . . He was so helpless, and I was so mad. . .
But the goodness in me overruled the bad, and his pitiful existence was spared.
Kicking and yelling in my grasp, Christinna vainly fought my strong arms. I kicked him some, and dug my nails into his wrists, but there is little ways to attack when you are struggling to keep an eighteen year old psychopath under control. But I did a good job! He was still fighting my hold on him when I spotted Emmor and Agnes out of the corner of my eye. Naturally we got yelled at, so naturally, none of us paid attention to her.
"Chris! Lain! Cut that out right now! You should be working! And to think I was on my way over here to congratulate you on your hard work! Well never mind!" Agnes screeched. Me and Chris just kept on fighting. I was not about to give up bragging rights and reputation for his satisfaction of "winning". No way! They would have to pry me from his wrists. So they did.
Emmor reached down and grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked me back. He did so with Chris as well. I pouted--I have a very competitive spirit--and refused to loosen up my hold. Emmor took my head, then took Chris's and banged them together. "Stop you two!" he said. I was so dizzy, I let go, and Chris fell forward. I stuck my tongue out at Chris; immature as it was, it was satisfying.
"Now tell me why the hell have you gone crazy on me?" Agnes yelled. When no explanation was given--we both had enough sense to stay quiet when she was like this--she ordered us back to work with our injuries as a punishment. She quickly checked my hand and his jaw, and it turned out that nothing was broken. As for the spectators, they got extra work to do.
This was going to be a long day, and a long night
This is the first chapter of my book. Like I said before..... my writing gets alot better, so hang in there.

Here i introduced my character Lain, who is actually a girl in desgiuse (sp?). You'll figure out who she is later. Lain is also the name of someone she knew in the past, so dont get confused by that, AND REMEMBER THAT! that is really important information there!!!!
You also get to hear about Agnes, Emmor, Whinnyfred, and Chris. They are important characters as well.

And if you didnt catch it, these are all the wierd things that Lain can do:

~talk to animals
~impersonate any person's voice
~good hearing
~not feel cold very much (thats actually something i do! X3)
~feel eyes on her, and when they go away.

yeah, thats alot. I know. I just crammed in a bunch of stuff to move the story along. Theres only one of those that is actually used often later in the story, but i'll find some way to include the others.

Copy right: Me (Pencil-Wolf)
who would want to steal it anyway?

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© 2010 - 2024 Pencil-Wolf
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